INDIA on my platter – Book Review

Book review

The things which always makes us happy are Travelling and eating food. You will be never get bored on these two things , if you really enjoy it. I love a lot to travel and eat good food.

India On My Platter is a combination of travel , food , stories , culture , food habits of each state and overall travelling through many states and places in it within 100 days. You have to believe , I only know Sanjeev kapoor and Vikhas Khanna as the greatest chefs in India. Later on reading this book , I came to know that , I have been unaware of the cook , Saransh Goila , the winner of ” India Ka Chef “.

That was indeed a great achievement. On seeing his timeline through years , he attained a state where he achieved a life what he wished. Everyone will not get to witness this achievement in life.

Saransh Goila gives you a visual treat to your mind about the various foods and their making with the recipes. All over the travel he interacts with the people in the place and learn the recipes which they cook , as well as cooking a special dish for them too. In the book , the recipes name was well described with every thing in detail. If the dish has a different name he uses to describe it for better understanding , who don’t that recipes.

The part which I like the most was , he travelled around the states on road. The book also has a religious touch to it , as the author visits certain places like Golden temple , Iskon temple , Monastery and other temples. At Golden temple he asks the cook , how does the food is good all the time and the reply was , It is being served to feed the devotees of God and they can never go wrong.

Well I will suggest this book to a foodie and also an avid traveller, also who wish to try new dishes if you really want to become a nominal cook with good dishes. The dishes explained in this are very different with their names , Yet you can make a try , but be sure you have a good cooking exposure before.

The language is simple , so everyone can give a try. If you wish to read a book which involves , travel , food, religious destinations, culture of various states in India, the behaviour of people , the climate and all the best places to eat if you visit a place, You have to read , ” India on my platter “.

I’m not a cook. But i was truly fascinated to read this, and also I love to travel a lot, which kept on to read this book till the end.

Details About the Book :

Book Title              : India On My Platter

Author                    : Saransh Goila

Genre                     : Travelogue

Publisher                : Om Books international

ISBN -10                  : 9383292941

Number of Pages  : 336 Pages

Publication Year    : 2015

Source                     : Flipkart Book review

Rating                      :

Link to buy the book : 

Flipkart : India On My Platter

Thanks to flipkart book review program for the book.

With Love ,


There’s something about you – Book Review

Book reviewThere’s something about you is a love story based novel which has twists and turns and mostly not predictable line of story telling. This is not really a normal love story because it is extra ordinary. The great part this book has is the , the reader will definitely have a character who the reader can relate in his/her life. There will always be a advising neighbour , strict mother and father and a person who unknowingly comes into our life. There’s something about you have every aspect of the above said in the story.The life of corporate and match boxed apartment , a caring neighbour , the firing from office, these moves the story in every part of the story. The author plays a clever play with the characters with sudden twists. While on reading if we think that these things would happen in the next part , it would be very disappointing the author would have made a different scenario for the same which we have thought and it’s quite interesting. IMG_20150718_125913 Coming to the plot , trish is the main character who plays a vital role in the story. She is single and a content writer and contended with a low profile even though she is capable of more higher position. She is overweight and thinks she doesn’t looks good. She lives in a matchbox house and suddenly she was fired from the company one day. The happenings after that moves the story in a more captivating and more interesting one. She meets Sahil who wants Trish and sahil is a tech geek of nearing 35 years. The aftermath of the fast moving story is a fine one. The author discusses various problems like jobless situation , love , relationships, neighbourhood problems,Alzheimer , father-mother-daughter relationships in a different perspective. I will suggest you this book , if you are a reader who loves to read love based stories and a story relating to the jobless situation of a girl in the 20’s. You also should read this book if you are a ardent reader of Yashodhara Lal.

Details of the book :

Title              : There’s Something About You Author         : Yashodhara Lal Publisher     : Harper Collins ISBN-13        : 9789351771999 Rating           : 4 out of 5

Links to the book : 

Flipkart : There’s something about you

Thanks to flipkart book review program for the book.

With Love ,


Mistress Of Honour – Book Review

Book reviewI have to say there are lot of ictions coming these days and to prioritize them , is a big task ahead. Something has to be different for the readers, so that they can get and read.

One such book is Mistress Of Honour by Bhaavna Arora. As the book title says the protogonist is a woman whose story fills the entire book with a few exception to his father and mother. I felt there was a long gap in the writing industry , which never took a different path in the way of a story.

The story revolves around an army family with a background of Late 80’s + years and so till Kargil war. The way the author gets the reader to travel is great , I would say. Essentially the story starts with a Potnis, an office in the army and how fells love with his lady love and getting married and the aftermath of the marriage and the different sectors in the war scenes , how the Army takes the man in the scenario to different extent.

Image Source

It portrays about the Indian army and it’s outcomes and it’s officers who take entire responsibility for every act in the border. We are peace in our work , due to the fact that Indian army is securing us. The other side of the Army officers and it’s staffs are portrayed in a neat manner.

The daughter of the army officer , has been sent to a army school in Dehradun where he see his love. Also apart from Army , love , sacrifice , friendship which is still bonded much in this story . Everyone should have a friend like Shamsher, the best friend of army officer Potnis.

The different wars which India have took part are told in small small parts through the Leader and Officer of the story Potnis. The intro starts with Potnis saves His Lady love a Journalist , form the most sacred place which was took over by others. I would say that a little more detailing would have added a sure flavour to the battle, because , it was ending so fast.

After the schooling what happens to the daughter of Potnis and her love is the remaining story. There is a part where the describes about the aftermath of the army school practise and the Training in which every aspirant is trained hard. I would give a 5 star for that part, because it was told as it was. A big appreciation for the effort of the author to give such description to the training is a big plus to the story.

The story ends with , Hmmm if I tell that , I will also be added to those who tell the story in their post itself. The story ends with Kargil war, what happens to their relationship and the other consequences holds the story a very interesting one.

I would say it as a mixture of Army sacrifice , Love , Friendship as a bonding which holds the story and the relationships and the army with the ultimate source. Everyone who loves to read a little bit thriller with a friendship and love , should really give a try.

This story ” Mistress Of Honour ” by Bhaavna Arora is a different genre when compared to her first book , the deliberate sinner.The author scores in every part with her story.

Details about the Book

Book Name    : Mistress Of Honour

Author Name : Bhaavna Arora

Publisher         : Penguin Books Ltd

ISBN-10            : 0143425285

Number of Pages   : 224 Pages

If you want to get one Use the below links to get one

Flipkart             : Mistress Of Honour

Amazon            : Mistress Of Honour

Kindle Version : Mistress Of Honour

My view :              

With Love,


Yo Yo Honey diet – a sweet alternative

People love to eat more, but what the suspense , they will become fat if they over eat. This causes a major setback for people who loves to eat a lot. So they skip foods thinking that those will give them a dieting perspective , so that they won’t become fat.

The outcome is naturally the opposite. Dieting has become a common practise nowadays. Whenever you see go to someone’s place for a visit and if you have a lunch or dinner in their home , they will have varieties of dishes for that meal , but they will insist in Dieting. This is the major scene which became prevalent these days.

People cannot be blamed for these reasons , because they are too cautious about their health. Moreover , they still practise the wrong dieting methods like skipping the morning breakfast and eating less.

The lesser you eat , the lesser you gain. Rather than less foods , eat healthy food with correct nutrition and you would not have a word to say a less food.

Dabur Honey cover
Image source : Dabur Honey

What are the availabale nutrition products which will save us from less eating and having us a healthy diet. You will not believe there are many products which comes as a saviour.

The practices are still in common with many of the houses using honey as a major product for dieting and also as a crash diet.

Crash diet is something which we don’t have to spend too much time with cooking rather than pick it and place it to give a healthy food. Crash dieting also saves time. You will not believe honey has it’s rich nutrients along with various digestion materials. So adding honey in the place of sugar makes a real healthy food.

I doesn’t want to make , like sugar is less efficient and i have a say like , honey is more efficient than sugar. The preparation of honey itself has a different scenario.

Honey has also got many nutrients which will be at the best when added in our day to day life. The later point which i have said will be more practical and usage of honey with the daily practise will lessen the amount of intake of food in it’s correect usage and it also helps in preserving the dieting conditions of on selves.

Whenever honey comes into practise , many people will use honey which are obtained from the honey preparing process itself and others will go for commersialized honey. Dabur honey will be the most liked honey in our country and so as usual say , take that honey and drop a spoon of that into hot water, and drink it daily. You will see the change in the dieting options and it is a widely prevalent method to become slim.

The health hazards will not occur because honey doesn’t contain any bad contents , so you can take it as it is.

Dabur Honey has rally come up with different dishes using honey and you can easily view it through DABUR HONEY.You can also learn about some of the health tips from it there.

Instead of going for a crash diet , go for honey diet, preserve your health.

For more info Do visit : Dabur Honey

With love,


Cricket with UC browser’s UC cricket

Cricket, the word which is like a life to every Indian. Moreover other games which are not too popular, cricket is considered as a religion because of Sachin and other cricketers who gave rise to the fame of the sport in India. Fans don’t see them as players rather than, their God, creator and everything. In India, you can never see a stadium without crowd during a match in our country.

A match can be without fans only when some other countries play without India in the scenario. The match and the fans become more enthusiastic between India and some of the great nations of cricketing. Everyone here enjoys cricket to the core. That’s why businesses are targeting IPL as their branding arena to get close with the fans.

What’s this has to UC Browser? , you may have a question. Yes it has. You know UC browser is the fastest browser as far I know and I use, I think the same answer goes in your entire mind. UC Browser has a very good minimal screen presence, thus favoring users to go easy with the options. The various options present in UC Browser has lessened the works of users and have consistently lessened the time to HOW & WHAT.

Need some other things to describe in detail. Fans will have the option of seeing the match through TV’s and radio and through some other means.

Today the scenario gets changed well with the technology being improved a second by second. People don’t even watch the match; they live the match with technology. Internet is the savior for many and UC is the ultimate tool to that save.

Many online scoring websites have come into existence which solved the sadness of fans who are travelling while they wished to witness the match which is not very important before their travel.

The user will get update about the score ball by ball and no matter, what the television shows. The other scenario which came was, the power cut, during that time people will go their streaming websites in their mobile to view the match. Lesser form of a television.

UC browser, the fastest browser according to the data, has a feature called UC Cricket and everyone knows that for streaming a match or to view scores ball by ball in a score telling app , you essentially need a 3G connection.

This will surely make the 3G connection to think, because the UC Cricket doesn’t need a high speed internet to check the scores and other statistics about the match which is being played. You need a internet connection to view that. That’s it.

You already know that YouTube streaming and unlimited tabs and downloading options were a savior to the users by the UC Browser and UC cricket will save the time of switching on the TV and witnessing the match.

Image source : UCWEB
Image source : UCWEB

This feature will definitely change the way the travellers or the one who cannot view the match during undesirable situation to know the scores and to cheer for their favorite teams.

Following cricket have become more easy and check the other things through or UCWEB

View the ad by yuvaraj Singh to know more about those features.



ILAYARAJA Sir plays symphony in my mind

life-is-music-facebook-coverHe will be always in White dress , which probably describes the divinity in him and his purity towards music. Whenever you land on Madras (a) Chennai , You will see RAJINI sir fans or the die hard fans of ILAYARAJA sir. Even though AR Rahman is a Academy award winning music director , most of the people in Tamil Nadu will sleep in the night or travel hearing his olden ( It should be Golden ) Hits. I am a Rahmaniac in the new generation , but RAJA sir’s music dragged me to his music through the melodies.

When it comes to a song which will be the best of the best songs in tamil , it will be surely ” Chinna Thayaval ” from the movie Thalapathi. No other songs , would even come to that song.

Everyone in the Southern states will surely have listened to atleast one song of RAJA sir. He has dominated the music world from the 80’s till now and still ruling the music charts. Even music directors such as Santhosh Narayanan , Anirudh , Vivek – Mervin , Thaman give the best , RAJA sir still remains the best of the best with his classics.

Apart from Reviewing , every music director has equal place in everyman’s heart. Music is the only divine thing which joins everyone. While we even have the trend of listening to many english POP albums. We love them. Yet the language of native stills excites youy the most when heard with a good music.

AR Rahaman is at his best and every other music director has his own indijuvality. I’m not going to compare any music director’s here. I want to express , which are the songs comes to my mind and relatres to the situation whichever comes into existence during at a certain period.

Certainly , most of the time , RAJA sir and AR Rahman both comes into my rescue.

If you take into account of the enormous films by RAJA sir you will decide and you will be fascinated to learn that he has composed song for every situation for a human being throughout his journey of music life in the cinema. HE has composed aroud 1000+ movies , many albums.

The one which suits every aspect of life would be ” How to name it ” album by Raja Sir. You will be mesmerised by the way the music goes. If you really want to experience above all that. Open your browser and go to wikipedia and search ILAYARAJA , the discography wil really fascinate you t the most. Lot of movies. Even there were times , when people will still go to the movies for RAJA sir’s music rather than the film.

Usually Rajinikanth movies will have super duper Hits , mostly in the 80’s and 90’s the tunes would have been by ILAYARAJA Sir only. Then the others were Shankar – Ganesh ( Famous Music Duo ) , Vishwantahan – Ramamoorthy , Deva.

Coming into other music directors , AR Rahman Sir gives the best throughout his album. Deva sir , the ” INTRODUCER of Gaana ” in the film industry in the south. MSV sir , the classical music director.

Even RAJA sir have fascinated about the songs of MSV Sir. Moreover it’s the lyrics which have imparted good music in us through the words. The olden songs were mostly written by , Kannadassan , Vaali , VAiramuthu and Metha.

If someone says ” Whenever words fail music speaks “, it’s not music because it’s composed by music directors who speaks through it. My life has a long way to go but it is surely filled with some sort of musical experiences whoever the music directors maybe , the symphony airs in every ears through the mighty music.

With Music ,
