Mistress Of Honour – Book Review

Book reviewI have to say there are lot of ictions coming these days and to prioritize them , is a big task ahead. Something has to be different for the readers, so that they can get and read.

One such book is Mistress Of Honour by Bhaavna Arora. As the book title says the protogonist is a woman whose story fills the entire book with a few exception to his father and mother. I felt there was a long gap in the writing industry , which never took a different path in the way of a story.

The story revolves around an army family with a background of Late 80’s + years and so till Kargil war. The way the author gets the reader to travel is great , I would say. Essentially the story starts with a Potnis, an office in the army and how fells love with his lady love and getting married and the aftermath of the marriage and the different sectors in the war scenes , how the Army takes the man in the scenario to different extent.

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It portrays about the Indian army and it’s outcomes and it’s officers who take entire responsibility for every act in the border. We are peace in our work , due to the fact that Indian army is securing us. The other side of the Army officers and it’s staffs are portrayed in a neat manner.

The daughter of the army officer , has been sent to a army school in Dehradun where he see his love. Also apart from Army , love , sacrifice , friendship which is still bonded much in this story . Everyone should have a friend like Shamsher, the best friend of army officer Potnis.

The different wars which India have took part are told in small small parts through the Leader and Officer of the story Potnis. The intro starts with Potnis saves His Lady love a Journalist , form the most sacred place which was took over by others. I would say that a little more detailing would have added a sure flavour to the battle, because , it was ending so fast.

After the schooling what happens to the daughter of Potnis and her love is the remaining story. There is a part where the describes about the aftermath of the army school practise and the Training in which every aspirant is trained hard. I would give a 5 star for that part, because it was told as it was. A big appreciation for the effort of the author to give such description to the training is a big plus to the story.

The story ends with , Hmmm if I tell that , I will also be added to those who tell the story in their post itself. The story ends with Kargil war, what happens to their relationship and the other consequences holds the story a very interesting one.

I would say it as a mixture of Army sacrifice , Love , Friendship as a bonding which holds the story and the relationships and the army with the ultimate source. Everyone who loves to read a little bit thriller with a friendship and love , should really give a try.

This story ” Mistress Of Honour ” by Bhaavna Arora is a different genre when compared to her first book , the deliberate sinner.The author scores in every part with her story.

Details about the Book

Book Name    : Mistress Of Honour

Author Name : Bhaavna Arora

Publisher         : Penguin Books Ltd

ISBN-10            : 0143425285

Number of Pages   : 224 Pages

If you want to get one Use the below links to get one

Flipkart             : Mistress Of Honour

Amazon            : Mistress Of Honour

Kindle Version : Mistress Of Honour

My view :              

With Love,
